Small Efforts, Big Effects

The other day I was putting away an extension cord. I opened the closet, looked up at the container, which is higher than I can reach, and almost tossed it on the floor and closed the door. 
Robert Collier said, “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” Staying organized requires many small efforts.

We're often better at this at work—returning files to file drawers, shredding documents rather than making a pile by the desk, leaving common areas clean after use, etc. We expect public places like grocery stores to abide by a standard of excellence that often exceeds our own at home.

We don’t want to have to search through a pile of canned goods at the store to find the Cream of Chicken Soup. It should be on the soup shelf next to the Cream of Mushroom with a label underneath, right? 
It’s not that we WANT to search through piles of random stuff in our own homes but, neither do we want to do that which prevents the piles and keeps things organized. It’s those “small efforts” Collier referenced that have big effects when it comes to keeping clutter to a minimum. 
What stopped me from wanting to put away the extension cord? Getting a step stool from the laundry room. How hard is that? Not very. Sometimes the small effort is having the right product in place. Other times, it’s practicing a simple routine.

Here are five Timely Tips to combat clutter.

Timely Tips for Big Effects

Step Stools– This is a simple fix to the “it’s too high to put away” excuse. Purchase a few of the plastic fold-up step stools that can slide into a 2-inch space, like the one pictured above. Strategically place them in or very near closets with high shelving. Slide one between the fridge and cabinet in the kitchen and between the washer and dryer if you have tall cabinets there. You’ll be empowered to make the small effort to put away the high stuff. 

Recycling Bins– Are there magazines, newspapers, catalogs, and ads piled around your easy chair? Is the entry table stacked with recyclable mail? Do empty soda cans amass on the kitchen counter? What about your home office desk or bathroom? Do each of these areas have a receptacle for items that need recycling? It doesn’t have to be a big blue bin with the recycle emblem stamped on the side. Choose baskets or containers that looks appropriate for the location and place them wherever you tend to create recyclable materials. Check out how Chas used Dollar Store wall art to decorate her recycle bin: Chas' Crazy Creations. 

Remove Stuff From Bags– You already have a routine of taking your groceries out of their bags before putting them in the fridge. Copy that routine for everything else you buy. Whenever you toss a shopping bag of stuff into the pantry, closet, or drawer, you’re likely to forget what’s in it, not be able to find the stuff when you need it, and ultimately create clutter by purchasing more to replace it. Small effort – remove stuff from bags and place it intentionally where it belongs. 

Ten-minute Tidy– Take ten minutes before you go to bed to tidy up your living space. You know, the little pile you dumped on a chair when you returned home, a few dishes on the countertop, the popcorn bowl on the coffee table. Done daily, a few minutes of tidying means no major, overwhelming task at the end of the week, month, or year. Truly big effects, for a small effort. 

Two-minute Rule–You use the scotch tape in the other room and leave it there. You dump a load of clean laundry on the sofa and walk away. You pull three tops from the closet before deciding which one to wear and leave the others on the corner of the bed. The Two-Minute Rule ends the “leave it here for now” clutter. Simple and to the point: If it takes less than two minutes, DO IT NOW!

Low-key change helps the human mind circumnavigate the fear that blocks success.
Robert Maurer, PHD

Thanks Marie Kondo (Part 2)

Thrift stores are experiencing a rise in donations as people discard things that no longer “spark joy.” There are more photos of organized sock drawers on Instagram than ever before. The U.S. has caught the “tidying” bug thanks to Marie Kondo!
There’s much Marie and I agree on when it comes to organizing, or as she calls it “tidying up.” Perhaps the most important being that “Tidying is just a tool, not the final destination.” We all desire homes that promote a peaceful and productive environment. A home in which we can rest, enjoy the company of others, and easily access our belongings. 
In Thanks Marie Kondo (Part 1)I shared about the Mindset for Change and Action #1 – Purging. That’s always the place to start.

Today's Timely Tips include some of the KonMari (Marie Kondo) and OBC (Organized By Choice) methods for Action #2 – Storing.

Timely Tips for Storing

The principle element of Action #2 is CREATE A HOME FOR EVERYTHING.

KonMari method: 

  • “I have only two rules,” says Marie, “store all items of the same type in the same place and don’t scatter storage space. Forget about flow planning and frequency of use.” Her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, was originally released in Japan. In it she says, “Considering the average size of a Japanese dwelling, a storage layout that follows the flow plan is not going to make that much difference. If it only takes twenty seconds to walk from one end of your home to the other, do you really need to worry about the flow plan?” 

OBC method:

  • Keep like things together with some exceptions. Store the majority of your belongings— like things together. That way, when you need a light bulb, vase, battery, etc. you’re sure to find it on your first try because there’s only one place to look. Exceptions include things you use frequently in multiple areas of your home—scissors, reading glasses, cleaning products, pens, etc. It’s more convenient and you’re more apt to put these things away if there’s a designated home for them where they’re used.   

  • Keep close what you use most. This is the “flow plan” that Marie deems unnecessary. In her book she proposes daily drying and placing the soap and shampoo from the shower back in their home with other soaps in the cupboard. Call me lazy, but the home for the shampoo and soap I’m currently using is in the shower. I’m an advocate of placing a holder near the stove for frequently used utensils, and having hooks near the door for coats, purses, and backpacks. In other words, create homes for things where they fit with the flow of how and where they’re used.  


KonMari method:  

  • “Once they [clients] finish my course, all of them, without exception, have told me, ‘Folding is fun!’” Really? Wow. Marie promotes folding almost everything, but not just for the fun of it. “When we take our clothes in our hands and fold them neatly,” says Marie, “we are, I believe, transmitting energy, which has a positive effect on our clothes.” Everything is folded so it can stand on end and is stored vertically in drawers or bins. “By neatly folding your clothes,” she says, “you can solve almost every problem related to storage.”

OBC method: 

  • Priority to me is ease of access and getting the clean laundry put away. Personally, that means hanging most things on slimline hangers and open-ended easy slide pant hangers. I’d much rather walk in and see my clothes at eye level, than have them stored in different drawers. Some of my folded things, like camis, I store vertically so I can easily choose the color I want. Other things, like underwear, I stack horizontally and pull from the top. Regardless of how you fold, don't overstuff your drawers. Create homes, whether hanging or folded, that are sustainable for you and provide easy access to what you need, use, and love.    

My goal is to promote whatever tidying/organizing method works for you. Marie’s methods might be perfect for you. But, if you can’t picture doing a KonMari fold for every pair of socks, don’t despair! You can still create order and enjoy a peaceful and productive home. I’d love to hear what’s worked for you! 

Thanks Marie Kondo (Part 1)

Have you caught the wave of “tidying up” with Marie Kondo? Five years ago her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, came to the United States and quickly became a best-seller. Marie and her family relocated from Japan to the U.S. and last month, Netflix released a series called Tidying Up with Marie KondoIt’s exciting to see a new wave of enthusiasm for getting organized, or what Marie calls tidying up.
She’s very entertaining to watch as she interacts with people and their things. You can’t help but fall in love with her sweet smile and gentle spirit. As an organizer I love seeing and hearing about the after effect of people’s tidying up.
Marie and I agree on the foundation of tidying up, or what I call organizing. The basics involve one mind-set and two actions:

  • Mindset: “Tidying is just a tool, not the final destination.”

  • Action #1 – “Deciding whether or not to dispose of something.”

  • Action #2 – “Deciding where to put it.”

This time we'll cover the Mindset and Action #1.  There’s a third essential action that we'll cover, along with Action #2, next time. 

Timely Tips - from KonMari and Me

MINDSET – The Final Destination
Marie says to envision the goal, and why it’s important to you. This is the first step to create the mindset for change. I would add that identifying what you value most in life, guides and fuels the process of recognizing the belongings that support those values. Being concrete about the benefits you’ll receive helps keep that mindset going when the going gets tough.

ACTION #1 – Purging

KonMari Method: Purge by category, not by location. Pile everything from one category, from all parts of the house in one spot on the floor or bed (all your clothes, all your books, all your papers, etc.) Benefits:

  1. You see how much of one thing you have—books, clothes, shoes, papers, etc.

  2. You won’t finish organizing an area and then discover more of the same thing elsewhere.

OBC (Organized By Choice) method: There's value in both category and location purging. The other day a client was talking about watching Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. Her response, “If I piled up all my clothes on the bed, I wouldn’t sleep there for six months!” For some, it’s motivating to put it all out there. For others, it’s paralyzing. With this client, I started small and by location. We organized the laundry room first. This enabled her to see an immediate change and she was motivated to continue to other places in the house. With another client we pulled out every pair of shoes she had in the house and laid them out across the living room floor. Sorting by category worked well in this case. She was able to easily see what she had too much of and choose those she needs, uses, and loves. 


KonMari Method: Hold each item to determine if it “sparks joy.” Kondo says, “We should be choosing what we want to keep, not what we want to get rid of.”

OBC method: Use the same positive approach, choosing what to keep but ask, “Do I need, use, or love it?” People have joked about getting rid of their bills, broccoli, and even husband because he didn’t “spark joy.” There are things like divorce papers that need to be kept despite how you feel about them. There are things like compression socks that you use, but there’s no “zing!” when you hold them. Keeping things you love, distinguishes between things you feel a little sentimental about or obliged to keep, and things that are truly your treasures.

KonMari Method: Thank each item before discarding it. “I began to treat my belongings as if they were alive when I was a high school student,” says Marie. “By acknowledging their contribution and letting them go with gratitude, you will be able to truly put the things you own, and your life, in order.”

OBC Method: Consider the value your belongings have, or had at one time. Like Marie says, it’s easier to let things go when you determine that they have completed their usefulness in your life. I think it's possible to do that without personifying our belongings. I wouldn’t tell a client not to thank their things, but I also wouldn’t suggest it. Many of Marie’s practices have religious undertones that I’ll share more about next time.

I am truly thankful that Marie’s book and show are igniting both conversation and action in the realm of organizing. She’s helping people acknowledge the need and providing hope for change. It’s good to keep in mind, however, that some of her methods are more practical for the average home in Japan, which is almost half the size of the average U.S. home. So, if you try her style and get stuck, don’t give up! There’s more than one way to achieve your goal. I’ll have more in "Thanks Marie Kondo" (Part 2) next time.

Solutions to Holiday Struggles

When we walked into the tiny lobby/breakfast area, it looked as if our anniversary weekend hotel wasn’t living up to the deal it appeared to be online. We got the keycards and headed to the car for our bags. As we passed some rooms being cleaned, I noticed a man carrying a gallon container of solution. The words “Bed Bug” stuck out to me with flashing lights. We made a quick u-turn and hurried to the lobby for a refund. There we were, in Monterey with no place to stay.
Joseph and Mary experienced “no place to stay” as well. I’m sure they were much more disturbed by those circumstances with her due date drawing nigh. Fortunately for us, with the help of, by evening we were tucked into a beautiful room with a crackling fire. They however, found shelter in a stable with a manger in place of a porta-crib.
Feelings of sadness, disappointment, and weariness often accompany this “most wonderful time of the year.” Unmet expectations can quickly deflate our hopes, increase our stress, and leave us feeling like victims of our circumstances.
After Christmas, but before you put away the last box of decorations, sit down with your laptop or pen and paper. If any of these struggles resonate with you, consider the solutions and benefits. Then, set yourself up for a more peaceful and productive holiday season in 2019.

Timely Tips - for a peaceful and productive holiday season


#1 Problem:
You experience regret at the end of the season due to things you didn’t get to do, or didn’t get done. (Glad we got cookie decorating with the granddaughters on our schedule this year!)


  • Make a list of the activities, traditions, and holiday prep that you want to do next December.

  • Include the things you loved doing this year and things you wish you would have done. Leave off the things you'd rather not repeat.  

  • Put the list in your “Reminders” app for a notice to appear in early November 2019 or, clip the list to your November page in next year’s paper calendar.

  • When November 2019 rolls around, assign each item a date in December before your schedule fills up. As things arise you can say no, because you actually do already have something scheduled or, make a conscious choice about what to prioritize.

By creating the list at the end of this holiday season, things are still fresh in your mind. Next year you’ll feel more in control by assigning dates and times for new things, traditions, and the general holiday prep projects and activities.

#2 Problem:
You were run ragged with daily stops after work to pick up another gift or stocking stuffer—"Oh yeah, I forgot Aunt Susie!” The “joy of giving” ends up being just a slogan on a sign and not part of your holiday experience. There’s no down time for sipping hot chocolate and watching a good Christmas movie.


  • Create a list of all the people and events (office party, hostess gifts, stockings, etc.) for which you purchased presents this holiday season and will most likely need to buy for next year.

  • Record stocking items and hostess gifts you purchased this year that were a hit and can be repeated next year.

  • Keep this list handy in a folder (digital or hard copy) so you can shop throughout the year.

  • When you find something, record it on the list along with where you hide it, so you won’t double-buy in December.

  • Give yourself a shopping deadline and schedule times to shop prior to that date.

You won’t be fighting the shopping traffic and crowds and you’ll have more free evenings to enjoy a quiet night at home, or an outing with friends or family.

#3 Problem: Your house looked as crazed as you felt the night before you hosted the family Christmas dinner.


  • Grab your 2019 calendar again and block out time for three organizing sessions (kitchen/pantry, living room/dining room, and guest bedroom/bathroom) prior to Thanksgiving. More, if needed.

  • Purge and declutter these areas.

  • If the holidays hit before you’re done, use the garage or your catch-all room to temporarily store the excess. Close the door.

  • Set a reminder on your calendar early in January to tackle the bags/boxes of stuff that were relocated with a completion deadline of January 31st.

  • If it’s still not done—call me!

You can think more clearly when your space is decluttered and open your home with joy. You will also have a plan in place to tackle the clutter after the holidays!

Cute Quote

Abby's (twin #1) bedtime prayer, “Mommy, I want to pray for Mary and Joseph… God, remember Mary and Joseph? They were your parents!”

Photo by Burkay Canatar:

I’m sure that first Christmas didn’t go exactly the way Mary and Joseph envisioned. They celebrated Jesus’ birth with stinky animals and uninvited shepherds. And yet, Mary “treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” May we too find ways to focus on and treasure that which is most meaningful this Christmas and always. Merry Christmas!

The Hub of Your Home

Hub. It’s a funny word, but descriptive of where most of life’s stuff lands. You know, the flat surfaces in the kitchen/dining area. It’s the area of activity where we come and go and make plans, make meals, and make messes. defines hub as "the effective center of an activity.” Whether you’re single, married, or a family of eight, there's activity and stuff that needs to be managed. 
You may think you're the only one who struggles with keeping your hub "effective." Since we don’t usually drop by other people’s homes unannounced, they've had time to push the contents of the table and countertop into a bag and stick it in a closet, pretending it doesn’t exist. Maybe that’s been your mode of operation as well.
The problem comes when three weeks later, “Where’s that form I needed to fill out?” Or, “Did I miss paying the mortgage-- again??” Or, “How come I didn’t know you had a field trip today?”
Today's Timely Tips provide ideas to reduce the clutter and create a more effective hub.

TIMELY TIPS - for an effective center of activity

Keep the items you need for your activities near the center of activity. Here are some ideas to consider.

Kitchen Collage RNK.jpg

Kitchen Desk: If you're fortunate enough to have a built-in desk in your kitchen, clear it off and prepare it for use. 

Converted Closet: Think outside the box. Krista at created an efficient and beautiful hub in a centrally located closet. 

Kitchen Cabinet/Countertop: Chris at created space in a kitchen cabinet attaching pegboard inside one door for keys, and a magnetic board on the other. A holder for active paperwork sits below on the countertop. 

Wall: A blank wall or side of the fridge can also house most items needed for an effective hub. Meredith at  created this space.

Paper piles allow you to only see what's on top. Shift your thinking to horizontal=hidden and vertical=visible. Label folders for mail and active paperwork: Action, Bills, Events, File, Read, Receipts, etc. Use your calendar to record when to do related tasks and which folder it’s in. No more searching through multiple piles, or forgetting to do the important things! 

Place your folders near where the mail tends to land. This may be in a holder that sits right on the countertop or kitchen desk. 

If counter space is limited, consider a wall-mount holder

A daily routine of sorting mail and paperwork into your folders/recycle/shred will keep the piles from forming and becoming overwhelming. 

Are you constantly grabbing the back of an envelope for your grocery list, or scribbling a note on whatever you can find? They land in one of a million places which results in a slight chance of recovery when needed. The key to effective notes and lists is to constrain them to fewer places and have them accessible when needed.

CLIP BOARDS: This hub by Jenna Burger Design includes clipboards (bottom right) that can be accessed by all family member to leave notes or add items to shopping lists. Dry erase boards are also effective.  

SHOPPING LIST: My favorite shopping list method is a free app called Grocery IQ. Most of us have our phones with us all the time, that means you can add to it anytime, and it will always be with you when you are out and about. You can synch it with family members' phones and it saves specific product information like the type of printer ink, vacuum bags, or make-up you use. 

NOTE APPS: There are a plethora of note-taking apps, like Evernote. Choose one that will make your hub more effective as it reduces paper and allows you to easily "search" for pertinent notes without getting out of your chair. 

PAPER NOTES: If you're more of the pen and paper type, consolidate your notes to one notebook to simplify your life and hub. Purchase a 5.5 x 8.5" spiral notebook that you can use in your hub and take with you. Put the date at the top of the page you're using and record all of that day's notes on that page. Don't tear them out so you can refer back to them as needed without searching all over the house. Keep a paperclip on the current day’s page so you can quickly turn to it.

REMINDERS: This is probably the most transformative use of my smart phone I've made in recent years. The iPhone comes with a Reminders app, which is what I use, but you can use Google Keep with the same function on Android phones. Forget the to do list and use "reminders" for getting things done. I speak into my phone, "Remind me to call Scott at noon." At noon the reminder appears on my screen. I say, "Remind me to water the garden when I get home," and poof, it pops up on my phone when I pull in the driveway. 

CHARTS are another great tool to keep in the hub of your home. Household choreskids' routines, and meal planning charts all contribute to an effective hub.  

CALENDAR: Tracking activities can be accomplished digitally (Google CalendarCozi) or on the wall of your hub with a dry erase calendar. Vanessa at has the pens and supplies hanging below for easy access. 

Wise Words
A place for everything and everything in its place. --Mrs. Beeton