Lose 30 Pounds in a Day!


Lose 30 pounds in a day! Most of us could do it. Maybe even more. All it takes is time, honesty, and a little ruthlessness. I helped two clients do it last month. In fact, they each had more than five garbage bags of clothes to donate when we were done. Oh, did I fail to mention I was referring to 30 pounds of clothes?
How many times do you enter your closet and think, “I don’t have anything to wear,” while the closet rod is sagging under the weight of all your clothes? I’m convinced that in those cases, we don’t need more, we need less. What if you were able to walk into your closet knowing you enjoy wearing everything—it fits you well, it’s the style you like, and it looks good on you?
You CAN have a closet like that! Check out today's Timely Tips for clothes purging and organizing ideas. 

TIMELY TIPS - to get your closet in shape!


Schedule a time - Block out 3-6 hours depending on the size of your closet. Schedule breaks so you don’t have a melt-down before finishing. Plan a reward (other than shopping) to enjoy at the end of the day.  
Catch up on your laundry before you start so you’re not missing anything in the process.

Purchase matching hangers. I prefer the slim-line velvet hanger for most tops. T-shirts and frequently worn sweatshirts work best on the slim-line plastic finish. The open-ended hangers for pants are great—so easy to use!

Make sure your closet has adequate light. If your bulbs are dim, it can lower your mood and make choosing what to wear in the morning more of a chore. If it’s not a walk-in closet, and didn’t come with a light, install a battery-operated stick-on light.
Plan categories for the clothing you keep. Sort by type (pants, shirts, jackets, dresses), use (work, casual, dressy, workout), color, or season. I prefer by type and color to make them easy to retrieve.
Clear the closet floor of other items such as shoes, purses, bags of purse contents, etc. Save the purging process of these for another day, but get them out of the way, so you can easily move in and out of the closet.

Make your bed to use as a staging area. Pull out all your clothes (off the closet rod, floor, chairs, etc.) and lay them in piles on the bed. Use a sheet on the floor for the overflow, if needed.
Pick up one item at a time. Be honest and ruthless. Most of us are equipped with excellent rationalizing skills that can sabotage the purging process. You’re on a treasure hunt for only the items you’ll be anxious to wear. If it’s something you love and wear regularly, it gets an automatic pass back to the closet.
Hang your keepers backwards. As you’re re-hanging your treasures, use the most accessible area of the closet for the clothes you use most. Hang them in your predetermined categories with the hangers facing backwards. After an item is worn, you may hang it the right way. This will help you identify clothing you thought you wanted, but never wear, because they’ll still be hanging backwards at the end of the season.
Beware of faulty reasoning. As you continue the purge, don't succumb to, "But it still has the tags on it!" Apparently, that means you aren’t wearing it. Even if it was expensive, it’s not adding value to your life by taking up space in your closet, and someone else could get good use out of it. Donate or consign it.
Not your size? Limit the number of items you keep in a size that you’re planning to wear again, but not fitting into presently. Place a few favorites of that size(s) in a bin and put them under the bed or on a shelf, so they’re not mixed with your current size. 
Needs repair? Place items you love, but need repair, in a bag or bin. Give yourself one month to get it done. Whatever’s left at the end of the month, goes. Clothing, even items beyond repair, can be dropped off at H&M clothing store for repurposing/recycling.
Try them on! You’ll probably run into items that you’re just not sure about. Don’t just ponder them on the hanger, try them on. Then ask yourself, would you buy it again if you were trying it on in the store? Would you be happy to wear it the rest of the day, or out that evening? Remember, you’re on a treasure hunt.
Identify your preferences. Look at the items you’ve already returned to the closet. What makes them treasures—style, color, fit, easy maintenance? Identifying what you love about them will help as you filter through the rest of your clothing.
Bag and label the donate/sell piles. Send them to their final destination. Enjoy your predetermined reward, and relish in the joy of waking up to a wardrobe you love!

Comical Words
I like my money right where I can see it: hanging in my closet. -Carrie Bradshaw

The Wisdom of Dickens

“A triumph my dear!” Anyone recognize that movie line? My husband quotes it when I have success with a new recipe. There are few movies I watch more than once, and even fewer that I watch every year. A Christmas Carol with George C. Scott is one of those. In the movie, Bob Cratchit is lovingly praising his wife’s Christmas Pudding—a recipe I don’t plan on trying.  
A visit to a school for London’s most destitute children inspired Charles Dickens to write A Christmas Carol which was released on December 19, 1843 and sold out by Christmas Eve. He tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, Bob Cratchit’s boss, a selfish, miserly man who has a miraculous transformation after the visit from the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future.
In the end Scrooge declares, “I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.”
Like Scrooge, I believe it does us good to look intentionally at Christmas past, present, and future. The lessons they teach may not be as life altering as they were for him, but they might just make our holidays a little more joyful and a little less stressful.

TIMELY TIPS - from the past, present, and future

Christmas Past                                              Ask yourself some questions. What contributed to your favorite holiday memories as a child? It might have been something as simple as reading a favorite Christmas story, driving down Christmas Tree Lane, or decorating Christmas cookies. Maybe it was what you didn’t do. Having less on the calendar can enhance good memories too!
What are some of your best Christmas memories as an adult? Last year our family did a trip together instead of buying gifts. That reduced the shopping frenzy. The year before we had Christmas dinner at PF Chang’s—no prep or clean up—just fun! Another year we cut back on gifts for each other and instead bought a goat for a family in a developing country. Consider things you did in the past that added value to your holiday experience.
Family traditions are valuable and can bind a family together. Celebrating Advent with the candles, Christmas story, and family activities is one of our favorites. Some traditions don’t (or shouldn't) last as long as others. Our tradition of playing the card game “Donkey” where you grab spoons from the center of the table lasted only two years. With an engraved trophy at stake, I discovered our family is a little too competitive for that when band aides became necessary.   
After your own personal review, decide which ideas you'd like to continue, discontinue, or introduce into your holiday celebration.

Christmas Present
Prioritize! None of us can do it all. Wherever you are in your holiday plans and preparation, take a moment to record what’s still waiting to be done—cards, gifts, baking, decorating, parties, volunteering, watching your favorite Christmas movies, Christmas Tree Lane, visiting Santa, etc.
Consider if any can wait until after the Christmas rush. For instance, I like the new trend of people sending New Year’s cards. Maybe you could deliver goodies on Three King's Day (January 6th) instead of before Christmas this year. (Make it look like you did it on purpose!)

Put a hold on anything that can wait. Then, number the remaining items in order of importance. Schedule your top three, with adequate time, on your calendar. If there are still days left before Christmas, add a couple more. If not, be glad that you’re intentionally doing the things that matter most to you.

Christmas Future
After Christmas, while the holidays are still fresh in your mind, sit down and write a review. What was the best experience? What’s something that needs to be done differently next year? We think we’ll remember, but a year is a long time!
Was there something you really wanted to do, but missed out on it, or ran out of time? That has happened to me so, last year after Christmas, I made a list of everything I wanted/needed to do and wrote it into the notes section on this year’s December calendar. When December rolled around, I scheduled them onto a specific day/time. It hasn't happened exactly as planned, but at least there's a plan!

Wise Words
I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people.The Savior-- yes, the Messiah, the Lord-- has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!  -An Angel of the Lord

Live Like an MVP's Mom

Following the Golden State NBA win, Kevin Durant’s mom was a guest on Good Morning America. As I was getting ready for the day, I heard the host, Robin Roberts, say, “She put so much of her life on hold to raise her two sons.” I’m sure there are ways to argue this to be true, but hearing what Wanda Durant shared prompted my thoughts in a different direction.
Referring to her son’s 2014 MVP award ceremony (it's worth watching) Wanda said, "I felt fulfilled as a mom. When he gave the speech and he talked about me... I felt like he got it, he understood why I was the type of mother that I was… at that moment I felt like I was fulfilled as a parent because it was like all that hard work really paid off."
Does that sounds like a life “put on hold” or, like a life lived with intentionality, purpose, and fulfillment? I work with people at all stages of life—young moms overwhelmed with managing a household and career, retirees who realize that “waiting for retirement to get organized” probably wasn’t the best plan, and everyone in between.
A common thread is a desire to make the most of the current stage they’re in, to simplify and purge things, so that more attention can be focused on relationships and what matters most to them. Wanda Durant was clear in her understanding of what her life was about and she embraced it— making sacrifices yes, but choosing to build into those she loved most dearly, her two sons.

There’s no “one size fits all” when it comes to living a life with intentionality, purpose, and fulfillment, but here are some Timely Tips to help you live like the mom of an MVP.

Timely Tips - for purposeful living

  1. Identify what’s most important to you. No one else can do that for you (even though they’ll try). It may not be the thing(s) you’re currently investing in. I’ve never heard of someone on their deathbed saying, “I wish I had spent more time shopping online, or watching Netflix." It’s easy to slip into a comfortable routine that leaves no time for things that truly give us purpose and meaning in life.

  2. Think short and long term. Reframe the “putting your life on hold” perspective by identifying current and long term goals that align with your values. Weigh the costs and embrace the sacrifices that come with those commitments. Commit to “living” your current life with purpose. You may not have the pay-off of a famous, wealthy son in the NBA like Wanda has, but you will experience a sense of fulfillment.

  3. Make the most of your strengths. What do you do well that will enhance your values and goals? My husband is a natural coach. From teaching our kids how to walk and talk, to coaching their softball teams, he used his skills in his role as a dad. How can the strengths and skills you have help you fulfill your current goals?

  4. Reject “all or nothing” thinking. My oldest daughter did lots of musical drama during her high school and college years. Now with three kids (two three-year-olds and a one-year-old) she can’t commit to a Roger Rocka’s rehearsal/performance schedule, but she recently participated in the Clovis Community Choir patriotic concert. She found an outlet for her passion that fits her current life-style. All or nothing thinking sometimes stops Seniors from purposeful activities, too. Maybe you can no longer work a 40-hour week, but there are many part-time jobs and volunteer opportunities out there.

  5. Create an environment conducive to your goals. You knew I’d get to this, didn’t you? Is your home supporting the values you’ve established? Are you wanting to focus more on relationships, but feel too embarrassed to invite people in? Do you have a place to work on your projects and goals? Is your home serving as a respite for your family or does your stress level rise as you enter the door? Sometimes, just like we need to create space in our calendars, we need to create space in our homes for what’s current and important. Lives of meaning and purpose don’t need a “model home” environment, but they need a supportive place to restore and energize you as you achieve your goals.

If this struck a chord, but you’re not sure where to start, or afraid you won’t follow through, I offer Close-The-Gap Phone Coaching in addition to my hands-on organizing. Through coaching I help people foster awareness around their values and motivation, create and engage in action plans, and learn through the process of challenges and completion. Feel free to contact me.

Wise Words
Good intentions will never take you anywhere you want to go. Only intentional living will.  -John C. Maxwell

A Common Find


The other day I lifted out the final stack of paper from a box we were working through and there it was… Organizing from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern. My client had a sheepish grin on her face. Organizing books are a common find in my clients’ homes and offices. There’s some great information out there and today I’d like to share my top three favorites (in no particular order), what they have to offer, and how you can get the most out of them.

TIMELY TIPS - book reviews


Organizing From the Inside Out by, Julie Morgenstern
One of the cool things that gives credence to this book is that Morgenstern now has an organizing empire, but she wasn't born naturally organized. Her whole premise is that if she could learn to be organized, so can you! The book has four parts including perspectives on organizing and how to create a plan. She goes into detail about how to organize every room in your house, office, and even car. The book ends with a section on time and technology.

I love the charts, bullets, and extras like “Insider Tips.” It’s very comprehensive and user-friendly. Once you’ve read parts one and two, you can pick an area or room you want to start with and go straight to that chapter. Morgenstern’s advice on where to start, “Pick the space you either spend the majority of your time in, find the most irritating in terms of clutter, or that’s keeping you from reaching your personal or professional goals.”


Organizing for the Creative Person by Dorothy Lehmkuhl and Delores Cotter Lamping, C.S.W.
If you’re creative and find getting and/or staying organized a challenge, this book's for you! Chapter titles include “Creative Ways to Schedule Your Work,” “To Keep or Not to Keep,” and “Plowing a Path Through Personal Papers.” The book is full of relatable real-life examples. Each chapter ends with a list of the most important points. So helpful!

Lamping’s experience as a psychotherapist brings insight into the challenges we face, “We repeatedly tell ourselves we’ll ‘get around to it soon,’ though we know full well that we’ll always be able to think of something better to do.” Their practical strategies help those who resist conventional organizing. More words of wisdom from their book-- “Clutter expands to fill the areas allowed for its reception,” and "the fewer items you have, the less time it will take you to manage them.”


It's All Too Much by, Peter Walsh
Peter Walsh says, “This book is for people who are overwhelmed, trapped, suffocating beneath their stuff. This book is for people who think cleaning up is a waste of time, but spend whole weeks of their lives looking for their keys.” While practical and applicable, Walsh’s book also speaks to the emotional aspect of organizing. Part One helps you evaluate your circumstances, set priorities, and cast vision. “As soon as you calculate the cost of clutter, you’ll realize that it’s not worth holding on to things… because of what they’re worth. Remember to think in terms of the life you want to live and the vision you have for your home,” says Walsh.

Part Two is straight talk, with a little humor, on how to get it done. “I have never been able to understand the urge to cover a bedroom floor with yesterday’s socks, underwear, and jeans. Consider what you want from your bedroom and then ask yourself if dirty clothes on the floor are part of that plan. I didn’t think so,” writes Walsh. For each area he outlines organizing strategies and provides helpful “Reality Checks.”

You might remember Walsh from his TLC hit series Clean Sweep. My claim to fame was when he sat next to me in a workshop at a National Association of Professional Organizers conference! Despite his success, he’s a very down to earth person. I love his book, but I must admit, I’m a bit more gentle with my clients than he was on his show.
It's All Too Much Workbook
It's All Too Much DVD version available for purchase on YouTube


MAKE IT HAPPEN with small group conference calls!

Do you need an extra boost to put into practice what you read? I'm offering four one-hour small group conference calls that will provide just the right amount of support, accountability, and guidance to keep you on task. This is a nonjudgemental zone where you can freely share and be challenged and encouraged to persevere and see results. We'll use the It's All Too Much Workbook as our text with the following schedule (every other Tuesday evening 7-8 pm PST):

Session 1 (April 18) Setting the Stage (Chapters 1-3)
Session 2 (May 2) You Pick One Area (from Chapters 4-7)
Session 3 (May 16) You Pick One Area (from Chapters 8-12)
Session 4 (May 30) Sustaining Your Success (Chapters 13-16)

To Participate:

  • Email info@organizedbychoice or call 559-871-3314 for more info and registration

  • Payment due by April 1st (Cost: $65 for the four sessions)

  • Purchase your own It's All Too Much Workbook

  • Work through chapters 1-3 prior to Session 1 - April 18th

Limited space available

wise words

Theory is splendid but until put into practice, it is valueless. -James Cash Penney

I would love you for you to join me (and Peter by book) for the MAKE IT HAPPEN Conference Calls! If that doesn't work out, before you get on Amazon and order an organizing book, consider if you’re willing to schedule time to read and apply its contents. Otherwise, when it arrives on your doorstep, you might as well put it at the bottom of a box of papers and call me! ( ;

Taxes-- Too Easy?

I discovered parchment paper! How did I not know about this for so long?? It’s not like I just started baking last year. For years I’ve pried stuck-on cookies off baking sheets, and had to soak them before washing. What a discovery parchment paper was! My baked goods slide right off the pan and leave nary a crumb. 

Sometimes a simple fix can make all the difference in our ability or enjoyment of a task. Not all of us are bakers, but all of us are tax payers. I’m not proposing that we can “enjoy” preparing our taxes, but I can help take the dread out of it.

Last year I set up a tax document system for a client. This month as we prepared her paperwork, she commented, “That was too easy!” It made her a little nervous, because it’s normally a more arduous task. Were we leaving something out? Nope! She just had the tools to make the task more manageable.
If you’re one of the many who find themselves in a panic trying to locate all the numbers and documents your accountant requires, check out the Timely Tips and next year your tax prep will be "too easy" too!

TIMELY TIPS - to make tax time too easy!

Compile a List
Go to www.irs.com/articles/tax-form-checklist or use the itemized list your accountant requested for this year’s tax preparation. This is a starting point for knowing which documents you need to collect for next year’s taxes.

Double-check Deductions
Things change over time, so watch for new deductions you might qualify for. For example, if you have a rough year health-wise, you may qualify for a deduction for medical expenses (must surpass 10% of your adjusted gross income, unless self-employed). If you started a home business, you can deduct a portion of the cost of your utilities. Teachers who spend their own money on classroom materials (which is all the teachers I know), receive an above-the-line tax deduction for those expenses. Child care, relocating, cost of financial planning, these all have deductions for those who itemize and qualify. Check out this list at RealSimple.com for commonly overlooked deductionsAlways allow your accountant and/or legal counsel have the final say on your personal and business taxes.

Create a "Tax Records" Spreadsheet
On Sheet 1 list all your income sources-- W2s, investments, unemployment, Social Security, rentals, etc. Below those, list your income adjustments-- mortgage interest, IRA contributions, students loan interest, self-employed health insurance, etc. That's column one. In column two record the totals. These documents normally arrive in January following the tax year.

On Sheet 2 list your deductions-- charitable contributions/donations, childcare costs, business expenses, etc. Use column two for the totals. Use additional sheets for tabulating deductions that have multiple entries throughout the year. 

Use your "Tax Records" spreadsheet as a template, so you don't need to recreate it every year. "Save As" and label it Taxes 2017. Print it out, or manage it on the computer for easy calculations. 

Create "Tax Records" Files
Use your spreadsheet as a guide to create labeled folders for your tax documents. If you have minimal documents, you can keep it simple with three folders-- Income, Income Adjustments, and Deductions. Create additional folders as needed for categories with multiple documents like Medical Expenses, Contributions, etc. Store these in a file drawer, file tote, or digital file if you're going paperless. 

Determine to maintain your system by not allowing your tax documents to land anywhere but in the designated folders, filing immediately upon receipt. You may choose to record them on your spreadsheet as they arrive, or monthly, quarterly, etc. Create duplicate "to be recorded" folders if needed. At the end of 2017 your tax prep will be "too easy!" 

wise words

The best way to teach your kids about taxes is by eating 30% of their ice cream. -Bill Murray  (We all need a little humor during tax season!)

What's Stopping Us?

I’ve never been a huge fan of running. Doing something until I feel sick just isn’t appealing to me. None-the-less, I’ve done my share of running. In Junior High I competed in track. In High School, I was up at the crack of dawn running laps on the PG&E park next to our house. Why? Well, in Junior High I “ran” with an athletic crowd and so that’s just what we did. In High School, I did it for love. My boyfriend lived across the street and if I timed it right, we could see each other for a few minutes after my run and before he left in the morning. (For the rest of the story, read to the end)
My motivation was obviously more about relationships than a healthy body. At this point in life (beyond midway), working on a healthy body is… well, work! I don’t think I’m the only one who feels that way. Getting healthy, along with getting organized, are the two top New Year’s resolutions ("2017 New Year’s Resolutions: The Most Popular and How to Stick to Them,” by Nicole Spector, NBCNews.com). Most of us must resolve to do those things because they don’t just happen. But, why is it that even when we resolve to do them, they still don't happen? What’s stopping us? If you've not yet set a goal for 2017, or if you've you've already given up yours, please consider the following Timely Tips and become unstoppable!

TIMELY TIPS - to make your goal unstoppable

Consider the "why" behind your resolution. Why do you want to get healthy, get organized, spend less/save more? Ask yourself - "What can I do more of, or less of when I reach my goal?" Viewing the action as a means to the end, rather than the end itself is much more motivating. Name the benefits as the end goal. 

Tiny steps. In their book Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard, Chip and Dan Heath talk about increasing success by “shrinking the change.” Rather than, “I’m going to start spending two hours at the gym every day” try, “I’m going to walk for 10 minutes during my lunch hour” or, “whenever I park my car, I’m going to park on the far side of the lot.” It may seem minuscule in relation to the overall goal, but start with something manageable, and do it! That's much more beneficial than giving up because of unrealistic expectations.

A day? A week? When working with clients who are chronically disorganized, I don’t expect them to create a spotless house overnight and every night. But if they're serious about getting organized, it's a lifestyle commitment and consistency is key. I love how Joanna Weaver defines consistency. “Consistency doesn’t mean perfection; it simply means not giving up.” None of us transforms overnight. Put your goal in the perspective of a lifestyle change and don't give up. I, for one, am glad I didn’t give up because you know that boyfriend I was running for? He became my husband!

wise words

Everything is hard before it is easy. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe  


May the actions you take in this new year result in lifestyle changes and bountiful benefits!
And yes, that's me and my sweetie back in the day doing a selfie with the cows. 



"You're going to need a BIGGER CLOSET," said the ad in my Real Simple magazine. It was touting the idea that if the shoe fits, buy one in every color. But what if you're like the woman who called me today and already has 200 pairs of shoes? I'm going to go out on a limb and say a bigger closet isn't always the answer. 

In today's society bigger and more is almost always associated with better. We don't want to admit that we don't have room, don't have time, or can't afford it. So, we cram more into our space or calendar. We extend our credit to create the illusion that we have unlimited resources. 

I recently heard a wealthy young man interviewed on the radio. He is very philanthropic. The interviewer asked, "How do you decide how much you're going to give?" His answer was compelling. He and his wife determined how much they need to live on and then choose to give away everything they earn above that. Gives a whole new meaning to "more is better," doesn't it?

A term made popular by Julie Morgenstern in the organizing world is "equalize." It's the final step in her SPACE formula-- Sort, Purge, Assign Homes, Containerize, and Equalize. In her book Organizing from the Inside Out, Morgenstern uses the term to describe the maintenance part of organizing. There are many facets to maintaining organization, but today I want to focus on equalizing as it's defined in the dictionary-- to make even or equal.

Today's Timely Tips will help you determine where you're out of balance and how to restore order. 

TIMELY TIPS - to equalize your space, time, and money


When you equalize your space you don't create walk-in closets that you can't walk into. You don't have pantry supplies spilling out of the cupboards, or office storage so crammed that you can't see what you have. 

Just like the wealthy young man, you first determine how much you need. How many pairs of black boots? How many coffee mugs? How many sets of sheets? Intentionally keep the amount you need-- choose your favorites, and let the rest go. 

For consumables decide how much space you have or want for them to occupy. Keep it equalized by not buying more than will fit. Yes, even if it's on sale! It may cost you more later, but it will cost you more now in terms of space and stress if you exceed your predetermined boundaries. 


When you equalize your schedule you don't add and add new responsibilities until you're running ragged. You don't crumble under the weight of over-commitment. 

Rather than adding things will-nilly, evaluate how much discretionary time you have. Make a list of what's important to you. Schedule those commitments and activities according to priority making sure to include some down-time. When a new request or opportunity arises, look at your schedule and make a choice. Will it replace something because it's more important? Can you add it later when another commitment ends? Equalize.


When you equalize your money, you're not smothered in credit card debt. You don't succumb to "buy one in every color" ads. 

I can't think of a better time to consider how to equalize finances than the holiday season. The most obvious way is to not spend more than is coming in. Can you imagine a January not stressed by credit card bills?

Give yourself permission and explain to others if need be that you're intentionally cutting back this year to keep from acquiring more debt. 

Determine the discretionary amount of money you have and create a list of priorities. From that list create a holiday budget. When you discover something cost more than expected, equalize by cutting back on something else. You can do it! In January you will breathe a sigh of relief instead of grief.

Wise Words
The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely tenacity. -Amelia Earhart

Dirty Laundry Secrets

The laundry room. Not my favorite room, but one that I would fight to keep if we were to move. At times it’s a rather mysterious place. Things disappear, mostly socks. Other things appear-- sometimes when you least want them to, like ChapStick in the dryer. It’s a place where at some point most of us have laundered money, literally.
A hundred years ago people would have thought it a magical place. You put dirty clothes in a contraption and they come out clean! Then you move them to another, and they come out dry! With the advent of such wonderful inventions, plus the fact we no longer have to make our own soap, laundry should be a breeze, right?
Quite the contrary. Laundry is the demise of many who struggle with managing a household. According to Erin Doland of Unclutterer.com, a typical family of four probably generates between 8 and 10 loads of laundry per week. If you ask my daughter, a mother of three (two and under), it would no doubt be more. Is there a magical method that can make it a breeze? Probably not. But today's Timely Tips offer practical helps that will put you on a good course.

TIMELY TIPS - for loads of laundry

A Place to Start - This may seem like a no-brainer, but make sure each bedroom closet has a dirty clothes hamper/basket. Instruct everyone how to use it, rather than the floor or chairs for dirty laundry. Even little tots and older folks can learn this routine! 


                                                                    Sock Solution - Eliminate the disappearance of socks and keep family members' socks sorted with large mesh zippered laundry bags. Assign and label a bag per person and clip it to a hanger, or hang it from it from a hook in the closet. Have members put their dirty socks directly into the bag. The socks are then washed, dried, and returned to their owner while still in the bag. 

Delicates - Keep a supply of additional mesh bags in each closet for delicates, or items that need to hang dry. Before placing such items in the hamper, place them in a zippered mesh bag so it’s obvious to anyone handling the laundry that they need special care. Hang a nylon bag in the closet to collect items for dry cleaning.


Laundry Supplies - Use the space above the washer and dryer for built-in cabinets and/or open shelves. Keep the items used most, most accessible. A large beverage dispenser can be used for liquid detergent. Other clear containers make good storage for dry detergent or pods (keep out of reach of children!). A jar or piggy bank can collect money left in pockets. Be sure to have containers to collect other pocket items, partnerless socks, and dryer lint.


Drying - For hang-dry items consider an indoor retractable clothesline that stretches from wall to wall. You can even hide it in a cabinet. Foldable drying racks, or hanging clothes on hangers from the shower curtain rod works too. To hang items as they come out of the dryer, attach a fold-out clothes bar to the laundry room wall and keep hangers handy on a hanger caddy. I sort the clean laundry on the master bed and immediately hang clothes from there to keep them from wrinkling. 

                                                                 Ironing - Use the inside of the laundry room door to hang an ironing board. Other options include a wall-mount ironing board cabinet, a magnetic ironing pad, or a tabletop ironing board for the dryer top. An even better idea is purchasing wrinkle-free clothing!

Simplify - Talk with your family about how often things need to be washed, so they're not putting things in the laundry prematurely. Check washing instructions when purchasing clothes and buy only easy-care fabrics. Choose and stick to a laundry routine that works for you and your household.

Wise Words
"Normal" is just a setting on the dryer. ―Patsy Clairmont

Laundry is one of those necessities that either masters us, or we master it. If you're feeling overwhelmed, take a little time to consider-- is your laundry room user-friendly? Is everyone in the family doing their part? DO you have a system in place that enables you to pull clean clothes out of closets and drawers instead of piles? If not, check out the links in this blog or call for a personalized laundry solution session. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go put a load in!

Two Classes Coming Up - SOON!

Organizing strategies for parents

September 27, 2016 ~ 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Clovis Adult School

“The family is the nucleus of civilization.” --Will Durant. This may be a scary statement if your family feels chaotic. So how do we combat chaos when kids, toys, and crazy schedules rule the roost? This class offers practical tips and tools to create a more peaceful and productive home. Strategies include organizing kids’ rooms and keepsakes, family schedules, chores, meal planning, teamwork, and routines. You will be inspired and equipped to make transformational changes in your home and family.

Register online at ClovisCommunityEd.com


October 4, 11, and 18, 2016 ~ 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Clovis Adult School

Whether your life is an organizational nightmare, or you're simply looking for some tips to help you fine-tune things, this course provides practical tools to establish a more peaceful and productive environment. Topics include what to do with the endless paper flow, organizing your space, and how to manage your time and household.