Chase & Me 1992
My "baby" just turned a quarter of a century! There are many things I thought I'd remember about the early years but in reality, most of my memories are prompted by photos we took back then. Although, who could forget the bowl cuts and big bangs from the 90s!
Apparently in a different phase of life I was really good at preserving and displaying our family photos. I just counted thirty-two photo albums! Later on, photographing life and the special events thereof was as much as I could handle. So, there are still photos to be dealt with.
If you're currently looking at boxes, bags, and drawers full of photos check out my Four C's of photo organizing in this issue's Timely Tips. Don't let the story your photos are waiting to tell remain silent forever.
TIMELY TIPS - Four C's of Photo Organizing
1. Collect:
Retrieve your photos from wherever they have landed in closets and drawers and place them into temporary storage bins or boxes.
2. Categorize:
Sort the photos into three categories
Album - the best of the best (top 20%) that you'll want to display
Archive - important photos to be stored in photo-safe boxes and/or digitized
Abandon - Discard doubles, blurry photos, unflattering photos, landscape and buildings
3. Create:
Choose a method to display your album quality pics
Traditional photo albums with sleeves to slip photos into
Scrap books - you might even find a scrapbooking enthusiast to hire if it's not your thing
Photo books - photos must first be digitized and then uploaded into photo book templates online; the result is a hardback photo book. My daughter did her wedding album this way and it turned out beautifully!
4. Containerize:
Sort remaining important photos by year and containerize in photo safe storage and/or digitize
Photo boxes (shoebox size) - these stack nicely and can be labeled on the front with the year or event; $2.50/box when on sale at Michael's
Check websites and stores with scrapbooking supplies for larger photo-safe storage containers (,,
Just as pieces stitched together in a quilt warm our bodies, scrapbooks bind together memories to warm our hearts. --Author Unknown