In 'n Out Pay-off

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Have you ever been diverted from your course of action by a sign like this? The craft stores really know how to getcha. These products are positioned right at the door coming in, and lining the maze as you wait to check out. They're not even ashamed to call them what they are-- Impulse Items! I suppose they have to sell a lot of these to make money, but I'm thinking they do. Being intentional about what's situated on the way in and out of their stores is paying off. I know I've made my contribution!

What about your home? You too can reap a pay-off in terms of time saved, stress reduced, and clutter cleared by being intentional about what's near your door. 

Check out Timely Tips for ideas that will create your own In 'n Out pay-off.  

TIMELY TIPS - In 'n Out Pay-off 

1.  Designate an area near the door you enter/exit to set up your In 'n Out station. If that's not possible, use a nearby hall closet, laundry room, or bedrooms for the following.  

2.  Provide each family member with a designated hook (at a reachable height) for coats, backpacks, purses, sports bags, etc. 

3.  If shoes are removed here, create floor-level shelving (remember-- easy access is key) with dividers to designate a spot for each family member's shoes. 

4.  Assign and label a cubby, cube, or basket to each person. Place them on the shoe shelf or on a shelf above the hooks. These are homes for miscellaneous items that need to be put away, or go out the next day. 

5.  Add containers as needed for library books, dry cleaning, pet leashes, etc. 

6.  Mount a message board to record important items to communicate or remember. 

7.  Other In 'n Out items might include a charging station, a key hanger, and a mirror.

8.  Determine not to store more in this area than will comfortably fit in the containers and on the hooks and shelves (boundaries). 

9.  Have a family meeting to demonstrate how to use the In 'n Out station and consider a reward for individuals or the family when a successful week of use is achieved.

10. You'll all reap the pay-off of a more peaceful and productive environment! 


Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.   --William James