A few of my favorite things...

Yesterday a client asked, "So, are you busier this time of year?" People often associate getting organized with the new year. In fact, January is Get Organized Month! 

In recognition, I've snapped some pics of a few of my favorite things when it comes to organizing my own stuff. If gathering organizing ideas appeals to you, consider signing up for my next "Organizing Your Paper, Space, and Life" class . 

And yes, it has been busy, but the "season of overwhelm" comes at different times for everyone. Not all, but most of my clients call during one of those seasons. If you find yourself in a season of overwhelm, I can help you discover life beyond clutter and chaos and produce the peaceful, productive environment you long for. 

​My office closet

​My office closet

TIMELY TIPS - A Few of My Favorite Things 


1.  Sterlite 16 quart storage box (Target.com) If you gage my favorite product by the quantity I own, this definitely wins. I use them to store candles, CDs, craft supplies, batteries, light bulbs, extension cords, journals, first aid, travel supplies, hats, purses... get the idea?  


2.  Belt/ScarfHolder (Organizeit.com) I love the easy access I have to my belts and scarves on these belt hangers. They have hooks on both sides so each belt or scarf has its own home. You never need to pick up one to get to another. They're not always easy to find in stores, but I did see them in the dollar section at Target once - so keep an eye out. For now, you can find them at the "Organize It" link above.                          

3.  Hanging Shoe Organizer (Target.com) In between my belts and scarves you see my hanging shoe organizer (above). This is a great way to use the vertical space in my closet for some of my shoes and specialty socks. : )


4.  Spice Drawer - OK, so this isn't a product, but I love mylittle spice drawer. They all lay in a single layer, label side up. So easy to see what I have! The larger, Costco-size, spices stand in the cabinet above. 


5.  Vanity Organizer (Target.com) I keep my daily use items on the bathroom counter in this handy organizer. When cleaning the countertop, I pick up one thing, instead of a dozen!


6.   Drawer Organizer (Amazon.com) Contrary to popular practice, you really don't need a "junk" drawer. My drawer organizer creates individual homes for everything I need. 


​7.  Milk Crate (Target.com) One of my favorite uses for this is at Costco. I take mine in and have them pack my small stuff in it instead of coming home with one of their cardboard boxes. It also has ledges for hanging files if you need a portable file holder.


8.  Cabinet Shelf (Walmart.com) I store my Christmas dishes in the cabinet above the fridge. This free-standing shelf allows me to use the vertical space more efficiently. 


9.  Under-cabinet Drawers (Amazon.com) A handy supply of necessities is stored under the bathroom sink in these pull-out drawers.

10. Last, but not least is my Freedom Filer. It takes the dread out of filing and makes retrieval a breeze! (https://www.freedomfiler.com)


"Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up."

-A.A. Milne