Smart Enough to Use My Phone


Dear Reader,    

Apparently the idea that we only use 10% of our brains has turned out to be a myth (Psychology Today). 

Until recently, that wasn't the case when it came to the percentage of my smart phone's "brain" power I was using. 

Thanks to the prompting of Alex Delgado from KSEE's Central Valley Today I did some research and have fallen in love with some great apps for my phone (and yours!). Check out the Timely Tips for details and links. View my segment on CVT below. 

Here's me getting all techy-- using my iMac to take of pic of my new best friend and me. : )  

TIMELY TIPS - Techy Organizing for Free!

1. - Clipix lets you clip articles, videos, websites, etc. from your computer or smart phone and pin them to the boards you create on Clipix. You can also take pictures or scan bar codes and clip the objects to your boards from your phone. My clipboards include home décor, organizing, entertainment, and gifts to give. You can keep them private or share them with friends. The really cool feature is the price drop alert Clipix offers when you clip something you want to purchase online, but want to wait until it goes on sale. An email will notify you if your product gets down to your desired price!

2. - Red Laser allows you to do price comparisons without leaving the store. Just scan a bar code and it will give you on-line and local retail prices from participating retailers. 

3. - Cozi is a great family organizer. It provides a calendar to record each family member's activities with reminders and weekly agendas. You can sync everyone's phone so you all have access. Create to-do lists and text them directly to your teens. It also offers meal planners, dinner ideas, recipe savers, grocery lists, etc. 

4. GroceryIQ - I love this one! No more scraps of paper with lists for Target, Costco, grocery store, etc. No more arriving at the store without your list. Grocery IQ allows you to create lists right on your phone, so you always have them with you. You can speak, scan, or type the item into your phone to add it to your list. It automatically categorizes your list by isle. Save specific info (make/model/size/color) for products like printer ink, vacuum bags, make up, etc. Sync with family members so everyone can add to the lists, or have the lists with them when they're near a store. 

5. Key Ring App - Purge your wallet of loyalty, membership, and gift cards. Simply scan them into your smart phone with your Key Ring App and show your phone when using a card or coupon. 

6. - Mint is all about keeping your finances organized. You can create a budget, organize bills, and receive alerts for potential late fees. It also has tools to help you set goals and calculate paying off loans. You'll have access to easy to read graphs and charts to track your financial history.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

-Arthur C. Clarke

FEATURED LINK - Check out the video of my TV segment on "Techy Organizing." Feel free to "Like" my Facebook page while there.