I love my husband. I have many reasons, but one is that he cleans the filter on my hair dryer. It’s one of those little maintenance things that doesn’t take a lot of time, but could potentially (worst case scenario), save my hair from catching on fire. I appreciate that.
There are lots of things we do that aren’t arduous, but if left undone can have adverse effects. If you neglect spending 30 minutes getting your oil changed every few months, you might need a new car engine. If you neglect daily dental hygiene habits, you may end up with tooth pain and big dental bills. Changing the batteries in your smoke alarm is fast and easy, but if neglected it could be a matter of life and death.
Today's Timely Tips may not save your life, but they will enhance it.
Timely Tips that make a difference
Every day. It’s a fast (1 1/2 minutes) and easy way to create a little order.
It gives you a sense of control and sets the tone for the rest of the room.
The National Sleep Foundation survey found that those who make their beds are 19% more likely to say they regularly get a good night’s sleep.
A made-up bed creates a more restful environment at the end of the day.
Following one of my classes, a woman told me she let things go to the point of chaos after her husband died. One day she decided to make her bed every day. She was thrilled to report that was the start to success in regaining control over the rest of her home.
Daily is best. Once you let a couple days go by, it’s like leaving a few clothes on the chair in your bedroom, they invite more.
Be ruthless--recycle/shred everything that doesn’t fit the criteria of something you need to file, act on, or read.
Have containers for each category you’re keeping.
No more frantically searching through multiple piles for important papers, finding uncashed checks, or losing bills. Ahhh, peace of mind.
Photo by Andrew Relf on Unsplash
This is going to take longer than making your bed, but your body will thank you. When we wait until we’re on our way home, tired and hungry, we’re more apt to choose packaged and fast foods.
Start small so you don't get overwhelmed. Plan 2-3 meals/week.
Make your grocery list at the same time and purchase the items needed.
Meal planning reduces the “What’s for dinner?” stress and provides an opportunity for nutritious eating and healthier bodies.
Researchers at the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute published a study showing that clutter is distracting. It inhibits our ability to focus.
Spend the last 15 minutes of each day putting things away.
Your tomorrow self will thank you.
Weekly, monthly, or at least quarterly host something that forces you to de-clutter. It doesn’t have to be a formal dinner.
Prepping regularly for company means the clutter won’t have a chance to build to the point of overwhelm.
The goal is not perfection.
An orderly home creates a welcoming, peaceful environment for your guests AND, more importantly, for you!
wise words
People have power over things--not the other way around. Vow to use that power to regain control of your space and time. --Donna Smallin