My gratitude journal reflects some activities unlike my pre-cornonavirus days. With the inability to work in clients' homes and the lack of conventional "free time" options, there's opportunity for discovery.
If you’re still going to work or working from home, you may not have more free time than you did prior to COVID-19. You still have your job, laundry, meals, and if you have kids at home, something you never intended—homeschooling.
We’re all in this together and yet our experiences vary. Some suddenly have a great deal of togetherness and others complete isolation. Both are challenging but provide the potential for discovery.
While waiting for the restrictions to lift, consider this: what is happening now that will impact me then? Consider today's Timely Tips and discover some ways that you can #findthegift in these challenging times.
Timely Tips - from now for then
Mindful shopping— Yes, it’s easier when stores are closed or restricted, but down the road we’ll benefit if we realize we don’t need daily trips to the grocery store or Target.
Saving money— If anything, we’ve discovered we’re not in control and we need to have an emergency fund for things in life we can’t predict. When external restrictions lift, continue restraining your spending to establish or replenish your emergency fund.
Generosity— People everywhere are giving their time, talents, toilet paper, and funds to help those hit hardest by the pandemic. The repercussions of this crisis will continue and so will the need for generosity. (Note the opportunity below.)
Connecting with technology— Maybe you’re using FaceTime or Zoom for the first time to connect with local family and friends you can’t be with. I'm loving reading to my granddaughters on Zoom while they color. Once you can physically reunite with your local folks, consider using this new-found mode of communication to connect with others you rarely see or live far away.
Family Time— Okay, so you’ll probably want some space from those you've been cooped up with after this, but during your confinement you're likely discovering some activities you enjoy doing together. Celebrate your liberation with a once/month Family Night. Resurrect those games, puzzles, and activities.
Neighborhood—Birthday parades, front porch dance-alongs, and Teddy Bear hunts. Everyday someone comes up with a new way to connect in the neighborhood. Instead of leaving them in the dust when the restrictions lift, think about ways you can continue to invest in your community and bring neighbors together.
Organizing Inside— Many who said, “If I’d just stay home, I could get organized,” are! Before life returns to the crazy busy schedule, create a plan to maintain your newly organized space. I’m not talking model home status. Life is messy, but a daily Ten-minute Tidy can help keep clutter at bay.
Outside Time— Cabin fever gets us outdoors more. People are planting gardens, taking walks, and cycling. A garden is a great way to keep yourself going outside once things return to normal. Make a plan now to continue walking or cycling once you're back at work. Find a partner to walk with or hold you accountable.
Please join me in providing food for those in need during this pandemic. The Central California Food Bank feeds over 280,000 people each month. The need is growing and together we can help fill that need.
For a donation of any amount, receive 20% off your first VIRTUAL ORGANIZING session with Organized By Choice. Virtual Organizing sessions will run until the California COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.
wise words
Everyone goes through adversity in life, but what matters is how you learn from it. —Lou Holtz
I acknowledge that for many the “now and then” of this pandemic is painfully life altering. Sickness, death, job loss, and financial hardships are prevalent. My heart and prayers go out for those who are hurting.
Brenda McElroy CPO®