Allison and Chase - March 14, 2015 (Photo Credit Hom Photography)
"Low battery. Your Mac will sleep soon unless plugged into a power outlet." As soon as that popped onto my screen I had a choice. I could plug into power, or take a chance of my laptop shutting down.
When I coach people around life management issues, I sometimes wish I could hold up a sign, "Your self-care is dangerously low. If you don't recharge, you're at risk of shutting down."
Shutting down can manifest itself in exhaustion, stress, sickness, disease, anxiety, depression, strained relationships, and more.
This month my son, Chase, and his bride, Allison, got married. With the endless list of last minute wedding to-dos they had a choice-- run themselves into the ground and use the honeymoon to recuperate, or make self-care a priority and show up healthy and ready for the big day.
Chase and Allison chose mindful eating and some yoga to help them stay healthy and productive. They did a great job, created a beautiful marriage celebration, and still looked refreshed and ready for a honeymoon in Costa Rica!
Whether you're under a deadline, trying to keep up at home, or overwhelmed with life in general, Timely Tips has some recharging techniques that will make a difference for you.
TIMELY TIPS - Recharge
1. Breathe - Of course you're already breathing, but consciously breathing deeply is a healthy, de-stressing activity. Breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose, filling your abdomen, not your chest, with air. Slowly exhale through your mouth. Repeat several times. Stopping to "catch your breath" will have a calming effect.
2. Nap - Babies nap. Older folks nap. Why are those of us in between missing out? A 20-minute nap can recharge your batteries and provide a boost of energy.
3. Eat Healthy & Regularly - A pretty obvious way to recharge, yet often neglected. Set you alarm so you have time to eat breakfast and pack a healthy lunch. Ward off fast food for dinner by creating a weekly meal plan.
4. Develop Routines - Dr. David B. Agus says, "One of our biggest stressors is not finances or marriage, but the lack of a regular routine. Even simply eating lunch an hour later than usual can spike levels of the stress hormone cortisol and disrupt your body's ideal state." Rather than running around like a chicken with its head cut off, design routines for things you do daily at home and at work.
5. Go to Bed On Time - That might be different for everyone, but according to the National Sleep Foundation, the average adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Turn off electronic screen earlier in the evening and create a clutter-free bedroom to promote a good night's sleep.
6. Exercise - Yep, you knew it was coming, right? But, it doesn't have to mean spending an enormous amount of time and money on a gym membership. has a 15 Minute De-stress Workout you can do at home, but even something as simple as walking or bike riding can help. Find something you enjoy doing so it's sustainable. You certainly don't want to get stressed about de-stressing!
Wise Words
Hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outdoors. --Norman Cousins