The Perfect Model

This summer I brought my guitar to Music Week at Bluff View Preschool where my daughter, Candice, teaches. It's amazing how far basic skills go when your audience is four years old and under! It was fun playing for the kids and watching Candice in action. When I think about how her class is set up and managed, I'm struck with the thought that it is the perfect model for a smooth-running home or business.  

Brenda at Bluff View.jpg

By the way, as of August 1st, Candice is a bride-to-be and we are excited to welcome Micah Haury into the family!

TIMELY TIPS - Preschool - the Perfect Organizing Model
Which of these classroom tips might you incorporate into your home, office, or life?

  1. There's a place for everything, and everything's in its place.
  2. Rooms are divided into sections so that you have like things together and everything you need to complete specific tasks.
  3. Containers are stacked neatly on shelves and clearly labeled so you know where everything is.
  4. Cleanup happens throughout the day (following each project) so that there is no major mess to deal with at day's end.
  5. Cleanup is a team effort with everyone participating in age and skill appropriate tasks.
  6. Expectations are clearly defined and there is consistency and follow through with consequences.
  7. Routines are established with lots of practice and affirmation so that each one can eventually accomplish what's expected without being asked or reminded.
  8. There are specific times assigned and boundaries set for each activity - work, play, reading, art, etc. 
  9. Some projects take more than a day, but they're always completed.
  10. Nap-time's a daily occurrence.