Is a lot to be thankful for, better than a little?

Theology w Brewster.JPG

After a visit in October with "William Brewster" and others who play the part of the Pilgrims of 1620, I was struck with the thought of how little they had to be thankful for. Coming to this new land they left their homes and most of their belongings. Their welcome here was a harsh winter that claimed the lives of almost half their loved ones. Many of those who survived were sick and starving.

But, in the autumn of 1621 they gave thanks for the skills they learned from the Native People, a successful harvest, a roof over their heads, and the freedom to worship as they desired. They didn't have it made, they simply had enough. For that, they gave thanks.   

If you've heard me speak, or taken my class, you know the importance I place on recognizing what's most valuable to you. I believe identifying those relationships and things help center us and make us aware of what we have to be thankful for and beyond that, what we can let go of. It's not the quantity of things that creates a spirit of thankfulness, it's the recognition of what enriches and brings meaning to our lives. 

As we enter this Thanksgiving season, take a moment to read and follow this issue's Timely Tip.

TIMELY TIP - Giving Thanks & Letting Go
Many struggle with letting go of things that crowd their homes and schedules. One step toward letting go is looking realistically at the value those things hold, or don't hold compared to the things and people that are truly important to you. Click below for a little Thanksgiving exercise designed to aid you in this process. You may even want to incorporate it into your Thanksgiving celebration. 
Click here: Giving Thanks and Letting Go



Saw in a museum in Massachusetts 

Saw in a museum in Massachusetts